
The Glasgow LGBTQI Substance Use Partnership has been successful in securing funding in both 2019 and 2020 from the Ripple Community Activity Fund to run projects aimed at tackling substance use health inequalities within the Glasgow LGBTQI Community.

Our first project was the #KinderStrongerBetter project which we ran in the summer of 2020. This saw us recruit volunteers from the LGBTQI community to co-produce this website and a social media campaign to raise awareness about substance use health inequalities in our community, and where people can access support.

Our second project, currently underway in 2021, is the LGBTQI Substance Use Community Champions project. This project has seen us again recruit volunteers from the community in Glasgow who will be trained in a variety of substance use related topics (including blood borne viruses), LGBT experiences and community activism so that they become champions around reducing substance use harm within their community. The group will also form a permanent peer involvement group which will work with our partnership to identify and implement priorities for changes or interventions.