We are a group of LGBTQ+ community members and professionals in Glasgow that came together to design a LGBTQ+ alcohol and other drug related health campaign.

We called it #KinderStrongerBetter

We all have experiences of using drugs and alcohol or being impacted by a friend, partners or family members use. We have learned some things about alcohol and drugs the hard way. We all wish someone had told us. So we’re passing what we’ve learned on to you.

We believe that LGBTQ+ communities are #KinderStrongerBetter – together!

We can work together towards communities and services that are visibly supportive of LGBTQ+ people who are affected by their own or someone else’s alcohol or drug use. And we can be there for each other.

We developed this campaign and website in partnership with the Glasgow Council on Alcohol and Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs, funded by the Glasgow Alcohol and Drug Partnership Ripple Community Activity Fund.

This project is part of wider work being undertaken by the Glasgow LGBTQI+ Substance Use Partnership, comprising alcohol, drug, LGBTQ+ and family support services, as well as the NHS and academic researchers.

The group was set up in recognition of the health inequalities experienced by LGBTQ+ people around substance use (alcohol & drugs) and following on from research showing that LGBTQ+ people can face additional barriers to accessing drug and alcohol support.

You can find more information and a summary of the research on the GCA Alcohol, drugs and the LGBTQ+Community page

You can view a summary of the work undertaken by our Partnership organisations here.

The members of the LGBTQI Substance Use Partnership who are behind this message are: